Detective DiBiasse (Eric Roberts) goes to his last crime scene at the Mansion of a wealthy, paranoid recluse named Alan Schaeffer (Dylan Walsh). He...
Alter Ego
Fan girl finds herself torn between the attraction for her film idol and her best male friend.
Just a Little Chemistry
The love story of two youths during the 1700s. Fabrizio, a boy who was supposed to be a noble and part of Napoleons army, and Clelia a beautiful girl...
La Chartreuse de Parme
La otra cara De Rita
An ordinary man's romantic trip to Argentina turns to horror when vicious drug dealers hold his girlfriend hostage and force him to do a job for them.
Gael travels to the Island of Roatan to finish his last novel and finds love at first sight. Sofia and her father missed their cruise and are forced...
A Place in the Caribbean
How will a top cardiologist mend her broken heart in the wake of a failed relationship? She is clear about her symptoms: first, pain in the sternum...
Broken Heart is not Like a Broken Vase or a Vase
5 A.M. Cinco ante los miedos
A young dancer in a pit of despair that leads her towards self-destruction meets a doctor, who is bearing the infamy of a malpractice case. The...
Until You Untie Me
A writer must solve a crime which is similar to the end of his next and yet unpublished novel, making him the prime suspect.
Dead End
Su, a woman whose friends are only men, finds herself forced to follow a series of absurd instructions to overcome the unexpected death of her...
Instructions for Su
A look at love and friendship in a historic moment for Argentina after the recovery of democracy. It tells the story of Julián, a young ranch...
Humo bajo el agua
An epic about one of the most turbulent times in the recent history of the Buenos Aires suburbs. In this context, a group of idealists emerges who...
Los bastardos