After a lengthy space mission, two astronauts (Steve Barkett and Larry Latham) return to an Earth transformed by nuclear war. As renegade gangs and...
The Aftermath
Fast-paced, almost plotless rock and roll film musical set during a crazy night in the lives of a dozen or more teenagers.
Young, Hot 'n Nasty Teenage Cruisers
In his short, enigmatic life, Andy Kaufman entertained and transfixed audiences while simultaneously driving them away. His work dissolved the...
Thank You Very Much
Offbeat documentarian Chris Smith provides a behind-the-scenes look at how Jim Carrey adopted the persona of idiosyncratic comedian Andy Kaufman on...
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
The story of famed performance artist Andy Kaufman's bizarre quest to find a woman who could defeat him in the wrestling ring. Footage taken from...
Andy Kaufman World Inter-Gender Wrestling Champion: His Greatest Matches