The early life and struggles of Judy Garland (portrayed by Andrea McArdle), and of the film star's trials as a youngster in dealing with the movie...
Due to their possession of an ancient mystic book, four friends are attacked by a demon while on a picnic and find themselves pitched into a world of...
In Las Vegas, Lucky and two of her girlfriends, Carol and Lisa, plan to steal half a million dollars from the sadistic manager of the Circus Circus...
Las Vegas Lady
Britta, the new girl in school Highland, has reason to be jubilant this Christmas: Her sadness has served to invoke Holly Boy, the holiday spirit,...
A Light in the Forest
Sheriff Stella Stevens uses her wiles and the help of her three resourceful daughters -- one by each of her previous husbands -- to rope in a...
No Man's Land
A man and his family move from a crime-ridden inner city suburb to a self-proclaimed violence-free haven overseen by a godlike businessman. However,...
The Colony
Deep within the woods and canyons of California, four teenagers happen upon an ancient book containing the secrets of a strange, malevolent world...
The Equinox ... A Journey into the Supernatural
Two attractive divorcees find that their newly realized independence continues to be guided by their respective parental obligations.
Sex and the Single Parent
Lewis Tater writes Wild West dime novels and dreams of actually becoming a cowboy. When he goes west to find his dream he finds himself in possession...
Hearts of the West
An American submarine leaves Tierra Del Fuego, and one of its crew has secretly brought aboard a container full of poisonous snakes which escape...
Aspiring director Eddie moves from the Midwest to Los Angeles, where he rooms with his cousin and attempts to establish himself in advertising...
You Can't Hurry Love
Mrs. Garrett and the girls travel to Paris, France. Mrs. Garrett takes a cooking class taught by a famous chef as the girls take classes at the...
The Facts of Life Goes to Paris
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
The Longshot
Two scheming ne'er-do-wells find a lost nuclear weapon in the ocean near Los Angeles. They decide to light-heartedly try and blackmail the city by...
The Hoax
An American submarine races to get a nuclear weapon before a Russian submarine.
Going Under
A cowardly thief tries to solve the murder of a prostitute as compensation for his own crimes.