An analysis of stylistic and narrative cinematic choices, themes, patterns composing scenes, and shots in Alfred Hitchcock's films, focusing on...
Powerful Patterns: David Bordwell on Notorious
In this 25-minute video essay, film scholar David Bordwell, co-author of "Film Art: An Introduction", conducts an analysis of Howard Hawks's "His...
Lighting Up with Hildy Johnson
Analog celluloid strips are disappearing. Is film dying, or just changing? Are the world's film archives on the brink of a dark age? Renowned...
Cinema Futures
David Bordwell, author of Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema, discusses some of the key themes and stylistic qualities that define Yasujiro Ozu's work and...
The Gift to Be Simple: Satire and Sympathy in 'The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice'