Min-sang, a meticulous planner and tidy single man, is frustrated daily by his tenant, Jin-young, a veterinarian who turns his newly mortgaged...
Dog Days
North Korea's 8th Special Forces hijack a shipment of CTX, a potent new liquid explosive, and threatens South Korea as part of a plot to re-unify the...
In revenge for her husband's infidelity, a young beautiful housewife, Mi-heun, starts an affair with an attractive young doctor, In-gyu. Despite her...
A successful lawyer who, in order to save her daughter, is pressured into defending the innocence of a man slated to receive the death penalty.
Seven Days
A wacky tale of two guys, one Korean and one Japanese who, mistaken for a couple of murderers, take to their heels, thus starting off a...
Jeong-hye gives a birth to a baby boy in the prison. Her and other inmates create a women's choir to compete in the national choir contest, to meet...
Two teenagers joining the same class in a high school die on the same day. The one to be top of the class is killed by a big knife on the street, the...
Diary of June
One middle aged women is admitted to the hospital in a coma. Yeon-hee, who has been searching for a heart to transplant to her daughter, who has...
In 1990, number of children suddenly disappear. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense selects an elite group of scientists for a top-secret mission....
Caught in between an ethnic war, Bee struggles between love and death.
The Legend of Gingko
A serial killer murders a girl from his neighborhood. The residents begin to suspect him one by one, as he tries to cover his tracks and plans...
The Neighbors
Duk-soo lost his father and younger sister while taking refuge during the Korean War. He leaves for Germany to work as a miner and enters the Vietnam...
Ode to My Father
MR. IRON PALM is certainly not your average South Korean movie. For one, it stars Koreans and the setting is Los Angeles, with no visits to the...
Iron Palm
Retrospective on how the stars of LOST went from obscurity to stardom.
The Cast of 'Lost': Before They Were TV Stars
After being wrongly imprisoned for murdering her husband, a woman returns to the house where the incident occurred to solve the mystery of his death.
House of the Disappeared
A debt collector who looks intimidating, but actually has a warm heart, ends up becoming the guardian of a child, who has been left behind as...
Min-ho's adulterous lover Se-hee is murdered in a hotel where only the two of them were present, and Min-ho is immediately singles out as the prime...